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Springtime Prompts

Flex your writing muscles with these spring-inspired prompts.

Spring has arrived in south-west London and I've been up early walking my girls by the river. Birds are singing, daffodils and crocuses have pushed through the hard winter earth and there's blossom in abundance. It's an inspiring time of year, connected with optimism and the chance to start over. It's also a great time to sit outside and create new characters and stories.

  1. Bird song. You don't have to be outside at the crack of dawn to hear birdsong in spring though you'll hear a wider variety of songs if you do. Whether you're listening to the noisy squawk of parakeets, the sweet trill of a robin or the soothing whistle of a blackbird, describe the sounds and how it makes you (or a character) feel.

  2. Find a cherry blossom tree and describe what it looks like to someone who has never seen blossom before. Think about smell and touch as well as how it looks.

  1. Describe what it feels like for a character who is camping to wake up to blue skies and the warm sun on their face, after days of rain and cold temperatures. Use two metaphors and one example of alliteration. Begin: I know before I unzip the tent that...

  1. Describe the comings and goings of a bird making a nest in a tree. Write from the bird's point of view. Don't forget to decide what type of character your bird has before you start. Also, if you want to do a bit of research, choose a specific bird and find out exactly how and where they build their nests. Begin: It needs to be the best...

  1. Write from the point of view of a fox who has had a tough winter. What does spring mean for them? Begin: The sky is different this morning...


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